

  • 1磅(450克)炖牛肉,切成1英寸(2.5厘米)大小 
  • 1个大土豆,切成1/2英寸(1.2厘米)大小
  • 1包(1磅/450克)冰冻混合蔬菜
  • 6杯(1422毫升)牛肉汤
  • 1罐(14盎司/400毫升)切丁的番茄
  • 1茶匙(5毫升)干罗勒
  • 1茶匙(5毫升)盐
  • 1/2茶匙(2.5毫升)黑胡椒粉


  1. 在慢炖锅内胆,混合搅拌所有食材。
  2. 盖上锅盖,以高档慢炖3 1/2至4小时,或者低档慢炖6至7小时,直至肉质炖嫩。



Good Thinking® inspires people to say, "Why didn't I think of that?" It's a simple answer to an age-old question or an insight gleaned from living in the real world. After all, we've been there. We know how coffee tastes after the pot sits untouched for hours. We've cleaned Swedish meatballs off the backseat upholstery — and arrived empty-handed at a friend's potluck as a result. So at Hamilton Beach, we tackle problems like these head-on, using in-depth research, a century of experience, and rigorous testing to find the best solution. We love solving these pesky problems and hope it makes your life easier. Now that's Good Thinking®.
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