

  • 6至8磅(2724至3600克)带骨切为螺旋型的火腿
  • 1/4杯(60毫升)水
  • 1/2杯(118毫升)蜂蜜
  • 1/3杯(79毫升)红糖
  • 1/3杯(118毫升)第戎芥末
  • 1/2茶匙(1.2毫升)丁香粉


  1. 将火腿切面朝下放入慢炖锅内胆。火腿周围倒入水。
  2. 盖上盖子,并以高档慢炖3 1/2至4小时,或以低档慢炖5 1/2至6小时。
  3. 同时预热烤箱到220°C,在一个小碗里放入蜂蜜、红糖、芥末和丁香,充分混合。
  4. 将火腿转入铺有金属箔的烤盘中。在火腿切口表面,刷上1/2勺子的混合料。
  5. 烤8分钟。在火腿表面再刷上剩余的调料。再烤8到10分钟。



  • 选择一个有短火腿骨的火腿,以便能放入慢炖锅内胆。美国农业部推荐预热火腿的最终温度是60°C,我们建议在慢炖锅中加热火腿至50°C,然后上料,放入烤箱。食用前,放置10-15分钟。


Good Thinking® inspires people to say, "Why didn't I think of that?" It's a simple answer to an age-old question or an insight gleaned from living in the real world. After all, we've been there. We know how coffee tastes after the pot sits untouched for hours. We've cleaned Swedish meatballs off the backseat upholstery — and arrived empty-handed at a friend's potluck as a result. So at Hamilton Beach, we tackle problems like these head-on, using in-depth research, a century of experience, and rigorous testing to find the best solution. We love solving these pesky problems and hope it makes your life easier. Now that's Good Thinking®.
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