


  • 牛腩 500克
  • 白萝卜 约400克
  • 姜 5片
  • 盐 3小勺
  • 大料 两个
  • 胡椒粉 适量


  1. 牛腩切块,用水冲净血污;白萝卜也洗净切块。
  2. 锅中放水,烧开,把白萝卜块和牛腩块分别焯一下水。牛腩块要多焯几分钟。
  3. 焯好的牛腩及姜片、大料放入慢炖锅内,加水没过牛腩,高温慢炖3个小时左右。
  4. 加入焯好的萝卜块,继续高温慢炖1个小时。
  5. 至牛腩和萝卜熟烂时,加入盐和胡椒粉调味即可。


Good Thinking® inspires people to say, "Why didn't I think of that?" It's a simple answer to an age-old question or an insight gleaned from living in the real world. After all, we've been there. We know how coffee tastes after the pot sits untouched for hours. We've cleaned Swedish meatballs off the backseat upholstery — and arrived empty-handed at a friend's potluck as a result. So at Hamilton Beach, we tackle problems like these head-on, using in-depth research, a century of experience, and rigorous testing to find the best solution. We love solving these pesky problems and hope it makes your life easier. Now that's Good Thinking®.
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