


  • 1个馒头
  • 1片火腿片
  • 适量洋葱
  • 适量榨菜
  • 适量西红柿
  • 适量生菜


  1. 插上电源产品开始预热,预热好后,绿色指示灯亮起,开始加入食材。
  2. 馒头从中间切成两片,一片放入早餐机最底层,然后放入火腿片,洋葱,榨菜,西红柿,生菜。
  3. 最上层放入另外一片馒头片,盖上盖子,加热4-5分钟,打开盖子,香喷喷的火腿榨菜三明治就做好了。

Good Thinking® inspires people to say, "Why didn't I think of that?" It's a simple answer to an age-old question or an insight gleaned from living in the real world. After all, we've been there. We know how coffee tastes after the pot sits untouched for hours. We've cleaned Swedish meatballs off the backseat upholstery — and arrived empty-handed at a friend's potluck as a result. So at Hamilton Beach, we tackle problems like these head-on, using in-depth research, a century of experience, and rigorous testing to find the best solution. We love solving these pesky problems and hope it makes your life easier. Now that's Good Thinking®.
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