


  • 猪手 1只
  • 姜 7片
  • 大蒜 1颗
  • 八角 1颗
  • 黑豆 80克
  • 生抽 80
  • 水 800


  1. 将材料准备,生姜洗净后切成七片。
  2. 汤锅里放入适量的水,加入两片姜后放入猪手。
  3. 大火烧开,将猪手焯水。
  4. 焯好水后将猪手洗净备用。
  5. 将黑豆、八角、大蒜洗净,大蒜掰开。
  6. 慢炖锅里底部先放入黑豆和生姜五片。
  7. 然后放入猪手、大蒜和八角。
  8. 倒入800ML的水。
  9. 倒入生抽。
  10. 盖上盖子后启动电源按钮移动到高温开始炖煮,高温炖煮的时间为3小时30分钟。
  11. 在炖煮1小时30分钟后可以翻动一下表面的肉,这样可以使到表面的肉与中间的肉能够均匀的炖煮。
  12. 猪手炖好后很软嫩,汤汁一点都没有蒸发还是余留原汁原味香浓的汤汁。


Good Thinking® inspires people to say, "Why didn't I think of that?" It's a simple answer to an age-old question or an insight gleaned from living in the real world. After all, we've been there. We know how coffee tastes after the pot sits untouched for hours. We've cleaned Swedish meatballs off the backseat upholstery — and arrived empty-handed at a friend's potluck as a result. So at Hamilton Beach, we tackle problems like these head-on, using in-depth research, a century of experience, and rigorous testing to find the best solution. We love solving these pesky problems and hope it makes your life easier. Now that's Good Thinking®.
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